The ability to successfully lead a team or an organization is heavily dependent on efficient and effective decision-making. In start-ups and smaller teams this success is often vested in a single individual. In larger and more complex organizations decision-making is often cascaded across multiple teams and individuals. When there is a single decision-maker, success is […]
Developing More Meaningful Value Propositions
A cornerstone concept for IOI Partners is value – creating, delivering, and capturing value. The Discovering Your Value Proposition (DYVP) Workshop uses proven canvas tools to help early stage companies identify value from multiple perspectives. As an engineering educator, value is a critical concept that is integrated into every aspect of teaching as our graduates […]
Is Your Strategic Planning Process Resulting in Tunnel Vision or Chaos?
Strategic planning can be a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes. Done properly, a strategic plan provides a solid roadmap for the organization, outlining the vision and detailing the key objectives to be accomplished within a given timeframe that should enable progress toward the vision. A strategic plan also provides clarity and alignment for […]
Achieving Innovation: The Essential Characteristics of an Innovative Organization
Why do you or those around you say your organization is not very innovative? Perhaps you can’t seem to produce “new” products that dazzle or your customers don’t celebrate their relationship with you. Perhaps you are frustrated that the simplest things seem to take forever and once complete you never seem to have created what you […]
Practical Uses for the Negotiating Matrix: Valuation
When navigating negotiations related to acquisitions, it is important to work toward a solution that is amenable to all parties. However, companies often find themselves “stuck” on certain factors such as valuation. The Negotiating Matrix offers a systematic approach that can help ensure your achievement of the best outcome without losing sight of your primary […]