Strategic planning can be a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes. Done properly, a strategic plan provides a solid roadmap for the organization, outlining the vision and detailing the key objectives to be accomplished within a given timeframe that should enable progress toward the vision. A strategic plan also provides clarity and alignment for […]
Achieving Innovation: The Essential Characteristics of an Innovative Organization
Why do you or those around you say your organization is not very innovative? Perhaps you can’t seem to produce “new” products that dazzle or your customers don’t celebrate their relationship with you. Perhaps you are frustrated that the simplest things seem to take forever and once complete you never seem to have created what you […]
Commitment Starts with Understanding What You Are Signing up For
In talking about the last “C” of Clarity, Confidence and Commitment, I want to focus on the importance of trust and the power of knowledge over ignorance. As was pointed out in Scott Atkin’s last blog post, when attempting to encourage necessary innovation within an organization, it is not sufficient to simply say “Act entrepreneurially, let’s […]
Who Leads Innovation?
When making the transition from entrepreneur to large company executive, I was introduced to the concept of Clarity, Confidence and Commitment as the three C’s of leadership and human capital management essential for successful strategy implementation within an organization. The message was that clarity in communicating strategy inspires confidence in both the individual employees (empowering […]