The ability to successfully lead a team or an organization is heavily dependent on efficient and effective decision-making. In start-ups and smaller teams this success is often vested in a single individual. In larger and more complex organizations decision-making is often cascaded across multiple teams and individuals. When there is a single decision-maker, success is […]
Delivering Innovation: Assessing Your Organization’s Capability
The ability for a business to sustain itself depends on the organization’s capability to continually deliver value to existing and new customers. The value proposition for a business depends on the type of business and how it serves its customers. A distribution business differentiates itself in ways other than a product-based business would. Regardless, an […]
Market Analysis & Value Proposition: Is Your Hockey Stick Real?
Nearly all early stage business plans have some form of exponential or hockey stick shaped growth plan. Whether an early stage company or an established enterprise, how does an investor or company executive know whether that growth plan is outrageous hyperbole or representative of the opportunity and worthy of increased investment? There are two important […]
Monetizing Innovation: The Right Team Counts
When starting a business or pursuing an innovation initiative, a critical component of success is having a great team. In fact, this may be the single most important factor and by itself, often determines whether a given initiative will be successful. Unfortunately, the evaluation of a team’s effectiveness is often done after an initiative is […]
Improving Innovation Effectiveness: Adopt an Investor’s Mentality
Why do so many innovation initiatives fail to live up to expectations? Were the expectations unreasonable or was it simply irrational exuberance? In the world of early stage investing, every entrepreneur pitching a business plan has their version of the infamous hockey stick growth model. In reality, hockey stick growth is as elusive as the […]