“In the knowledge-creating company, inventing new knowledge is not a specialized activity—the province of the R&D department or marketing or strategic planning. It is a way of behaving, indeed a way of being, in which everyone is a knowledge worker—that is to say, an entrepreneur.”[1] Personally, the most capable organizations I have been a part […]
Delivering Value: The Innovation Guidepost
As innovation emerges as a new organizational priority and the field is being developed, what guidepost messages should we leave today to inspire those working in the future to develop better tools, methods and programs? Some 30 years ago, W. Edwards Deming wrote “Out of the Crisis” which established many of the basic principles for […]
Innovate or Die: Why Beauty Truly Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Over the last few weeks, the articles on IOI Partners have focused on examining the ways and methods that organizations become more innovative. While the IOI Partners team has extensive and impressive backgrounds in the life sciences and diagnostics industries with expertise in chemistry, biology and engineering innovation, they also have an excellent sense of […]
Achieving Innovation: The Essential Characteristics of an Innovative Organization
Why do you or those around you say your organization is not very innovative? Perhaps you can’t seem to produce “new” products that dazzle or your customers don’t celebrate their relationship with you. Perhaps you are frustrated that the simplest things seem to take forever and once complete you never seem to have created what you […]
Achieving Innovation Success in Phases and Frameworks
A Boston Consulting Group survey reported that 75 percent of executives surveyed ranked innovation as a top three priority with 22 percent selecting it as their top corporate priority. Despite the importance and priority, many organizations are still early in their work of establishing innovation as a competency as the same executives express a need […]