The mantra of “Clarity, Confidence, Commitment” is commonly invoked in organizational management best practices to stress the importance of Leadership inspiring confidence, and ultimately commitment, through clear communication of strategic objectives in the context of clearly defined organizational structure and processes. This clear communication and established structure will enable individuals to understand their role and objectives […]
When Clarity Is Most Critical in Dealing with an Orphan
So you are experiencing the trials of dealing with a non-strategic orphan. You recognize that you need to explore your options to optimize resource utilization and customer satisfaction moving forward. You start down the list of the viable options; divest, discontinue or harvest. Because you recognize that although the product line is non-strategic to you […]
No “Blockbuster” without Clarity
Why is it that the book is almost always better than the movie? Is it because the ambiguity of the text in a book versus the concrete images of a movie allows us to bring more of our imagination into shaping the message of the book? With different contexts influencing us, despite picking up the […]
The Genesis of an Orphan
Orphan product lines can occur for a variety of reasons usually associated with innovation or simply change within your organization. As orphans are an inevitable result of ongoing innovation, it is essential that an innovative organization is able to recognize and handle them efficiently. If you are an organization with an orphan, you likely are struggling […]
Recognizing an Orphan or Non-Strategic Product Line
Most medium to large companies have product lines that for one reason or another have become non-strategic. These “orphans” are not always recognized as such and are typically the result of both successful and unsuccessful attempts at innovation. When a company successfully innovates in one area, it is often the case that some of its […]